
Student Visiting Program in Malaysia #Day10

Mahkamah Syariah dan Bank Muamalat, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia
Date: Monday, 29 September 2014

Kegiatan hari ini adalah kunjungan ke Mahkamah Syariah dan Bank Muamalat yang berlokasi di Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia. Kita berangkat dari UUM pukul 09.30 pagi setelah menyantap sarapan bersama di Kantin DPP Muamalat. Perjalanan dari Sintok menuju Alor Setar kurang lebih 1 jam dengan menggunakan bus UUM.
Picture 01: Staf Mahkamah Syariah sedang menjelaskan berkas sidang kepada mahasiswa

Nada Shobah's wedding

10 Mei 2015

Malam itu merupakan malam yang sangat spesial bagi kita, karena salah satu anggota keluarga MABI angkatan pertama telah melepas masa lajangnya, menggenapkan separuh agamanya dan memulai babak baru dalam hidupnya bersama orang yang dicintainya. Aku masih nggak nyangka, dia yang dulu tomboy dan kekanak-kanakan, kini sudah menjadi seorang istri dari seorang laki-laki yang baru ia kenal. Dia, Nada Shobah Assegaf, "anakku" satu-satunya di MABI *soalnya dia dulu manggil aku "Bunda" hehe*, telah resmi menikah dengan Anis Al-Habsyi, kakak tingkatnya di fakultas Psikologi UIN.

Resepsi dilaksanakan di Gedung Graha Diponegoro, Bangil, Pasuruan. Nggak jauh dari rumah ubba (panggilan kesayangan anak MABI cewek buat shobah). Kita berangkat dari Malang sekitar jam 4 sore (padahal rencana awal berangkat jam 3). Aku berangkat naik mobil bareng ibuku, Indi, Vika, Ula, dan Nida. Meskipun sempet kena macet, tapi alhamdulillah kita bisa sampe di tempat tujuan sebelum acara dimulai :D

Rangkaian acara di resepsi malam itu cukup menarik. Diawali dengan hiburan kembang api, lalu para tamu undangan dipersilakan duduk di tempat yang disediakan. Tamu cowok dipisah dari tamu cewek, yaa seperti inilah yang dibenarkan dalam Islam, bisa dicontoh buat resepsiku nanti Insya Allah, hehe. Selama menunggu kedua mempelai memasuki ruangan, kita disuguhi foto-foto persiapan pernikahan, foto masa kecil sampe masa kuliah, dan video prosesi siraman sampai akad nikah. So sweet dan terkonsep banget :))

Picture 01: Kedua Mempelai memasuki gedung menuju kuade pengantin :D



"Waiting is a sign of true love and patience. Anyone can say 'I love you', but not everyone can wait and prove it's true." -Unknown-

I found this poetry when I was in Senior High School. Unfortunately, I forget who is the author. But, I appreciate that it is one of nice poetry which I ever heard. It's very represent my feelings and hopes :)

Those who do not like it, call it responsibility,
Those who play with it, call it a game,
Those who do not have it, call it a dream,
Those who love each other, call it destiny.
God knows the best, will give us the difficulty to examine.
Sometimes he was hurt, so that His wisdom can be embedded inside.

If we lose love, then there must be a reason behind it.
The reason that sometimes difficult to understand, but we still have to believe that when he took something, He was ready to give the better.
Why wait?
Because even if we want to take a decision, we do not want to rush.
Because even if we want a quick, we do not want to be reckless.
If you want to run, learn to walk first,
If you want to swim, learn to float first,
If you want to be loved, learn to love first.
In the end, better to wait for the person we want, rather than choosing who is there.
Better still waiting for our loved ones, rather than satisfying envy with who is there.
Better still waiting for the right person.

Because life is too short to pass with the wrong choice,
because waiting has a noble and mysterious purpose
Flowers do not bloom overnight, Rome was not built in a day.
Knitted life in the womb during nine months.
Growing great love during a life.
Most beautiful things in life require a long time, and our waiting was not in vain.
Although the waiting requires many things, faith, courage, and hope the waiting is promising one thing that no one can imagine.
In the end, God in all His wisdom, asks us to wait, for the important reasons...

For the person who becomes my choice and still be known each other, we still don't know the planning of God for us. Keep pray and try. Improving our self to be a good human. Preparing the better future without any dating, just meet in the praying. May Allah bless us to complete our deen later and reach His ridlo during our life in the world and the hereafter :)

P.S.: the poetry above is originally written by Bahasa Indonesia, and I changed it into English, hehe

With Love,
