
Getting to know one of today's popular electronic transactions

With the development of information and electronics technology, humans are increasingly facilitated in performing daily activities. One of the important activities which usually carried out is doing trade with other parties in the form of sale and purchase. This is done to meet the growing needs of life from time to time. Therefore, humans make any media to conduct a trade transactions including through electronic media.
Electronic transactions began to develop along with the development of technology and human needs which increasingly complex. In Indonesia, the regulation regarding electronic transactions has been stipulated in Law No.11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions. In this regulation, an electronic transaction is defined as a legal act performed by using a computer, computer network, and/or other electronic media. From that sense, it appears that electronic transaction has a very broad scope not only dwell in the terms of trade but all legal actions that will result the rights and obligations for the parties, as well as the media used, not only the computer but all kinds of electronics stuff which allow the occurrence of a transaction. It is different from the understanding of which is delivered by the businessmen; they interpret electronic transactions as electronic commerce.

As we know that trade is an activity of buying and selling of goods/services which conducted by two parties, the seller and the buyer, to get needs or profit. So, electronic commerce is buying and selling through the electronic media, either using the phone, computer, or other equipment.  One of the examples of electronic commerce is online business; it is a business transaction that uses the internet. This type of transaction is the most in demand by the public because the internet is accessible to anyone, anywhere, and anytime. Simply by overlooking a laptop or mobile phone in hand, then we can make money easily without the need to leave home. By doing so, we will save time and costs as well as more practical and efficient.
Everything in this world cannot be separated from the law; it also prevailed in online business which is still fairly new in the world of commerce. In Islamic law, a trade is allowed if it meets the provisions which are set previously by the diggers of law (mujtahid). The pillars of the sale and purchase are as follows:
1. The presence of buyer
2. The presence of seller
3. The presence of shighat (ijab and qabul)
4. The presence of goods
In online business, the seller and the buyer did not come face to face directly but communicate through electronic media. This contract will be valid if the buyer already knows beforehand overall goods to be purchased which are usually still in the form of a picture or explanation by the seller of the nature and type of goods. In addition, other provisions must also be met, including not trade in illicit goods and non-obvious forms. If all conditions have been met, then an online business is allowed in Islam.
With all its conveniences, online business has several risks that may be experienced by the parties; one of them is in terms of security. Here are some safety tips when doing business online:
1. Should not be losing your mind because tempted the images displayed by sellers to offer goods to the buyer ( impulsive buying)
2. Choose website of online sellers which have return policies or customer support. It will help you if there is a problem with your transaction
3. Ensure that the products you want to buy are genuine items that match what you expect
4. Wary of online businesses which asking for your credit card number because of the sophistication of technology allows for false in using.
5. Consider the security features of the website (one of them is https or not)

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