
The Bride's Flower

This is my story, a true story, when I came to my friend's wedding party on Saturday, 09.03.2013. It was located in Jombang city which rather far from Malang, it spent 2 until 3 hours to get there. I visited Jombang city for the first time or maybe just going across I mean. Because I like traveling deeply and sometimes I didn't look around to the street, so I didn't know where am I? *while I was sleeping* :D
I visited there with my friends by car. I left Malang at 7 AM and I arrived there at 10 AM. Fortunately, the party has not started yet and we could welcome the arrival of the bride. They are Miss Eliza and Mr. Pep. One of the matched couple that I found all this time :) They were like a prince and a princess by wearing white wedding gown. It was so lovely :D Here the picture of them,

The party opened with playing video of bride's love story, that was so romantic ! I remember the song that played at that time, "Marry You" by Bruno Mars and A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. Honestly, I feel so charmed and I was so carried away by the atmosphere. That song make my heart touched ! *Am I excessive? I don't think so :P 
After playing the video, the agenda continued with the bride throwing her flower. My friends and me tried to  catch it. After the MC counted down and the bride threw the flower, only in a few moment I could to catch the flower! Do you know my feeling in that time? Just in one word: shocked. :O I didn't suppose before and I feel ashamed, it made my cheeks become red, haha :D Directly, I was called by the MC and he asked me: "Do you have a boyfriend?" I answered: "Hmm, No, I don't have." Then he asked to all guests who want to be my boyfriend, some of them pushed each other and pointed their friends, haha :D That was so funny and gave an entertainment for all the guests. 
Yeah, all of people know about the impact for who can catch the bride's flower. She will soon marry and become a bride. As soon as possible I mean * is it really? . No, it just a myth and I think this event is only for fun. :)




A.    NPWP dan NPPKP
1.      Dasar Hukum
      Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2000 tentang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan
2.      Pengertian
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) adalah nomor yang diberikan kepada Wajib Pajak sebagai sarana dalam administrasi perpajakan yang dipergunakan sebagai tanda pengenal diri atau identitas Wajib Pajak dalam melaksanakan hak dan kewajiban perpajakannya.
Sedangkan NPPKP adalah nomor yang harus dimiliki setiap pengusaha yang berdasarkan Undang-Undang PPN dikenakan pajak, wajib melaporkan usahanya pada kantor Direktorat Jenderal Pajak untuk dikukuhkan sebagai PKP (Pengusaha Kena Pajak).


Sumber Hukum dan Asas Hukum Pengangkutan

Sumber Hukum dan Asas Hukum Pengangkutan
A.    Pengertian Sumber Hukum
Sumber hukum adalah segala atau apa saja yang menimbulkan aturan-aturan yang mempunyai kekuatan yang bersifat memaksa, yakni aturan-aturan yang kalau dilanggar mengakibatkan sanksi yang tegas dan nyata. Secara sederhana, sumber hukum adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat menimbulkan aturan hukum serta tempat ditemukakannya aturan-aturan hukum. Sumber hukum dapat dilihat dari 2 segi, yaitu segi materiil dan formil.
B.  Klasifikasi pengangkutan:
Pengangkutan dapat dikelompokan menurut macam atau moda atau jenisnya (modes of transportation) yang dapat ditinjau dari segi barang yang diangkut, dari segi geografis transportasi itu berlangsung, dari sudut teknis serta dari sudut alat angkutannya. Secara rinci klasifikasi transportasi sebagai berikut:
1. Dari segi barang yang diangkut, transportasi meliputi:
a.       Angkutan penumpang (passanger);
b.      Angkutan barang (goods);
c.       Angkutan pos (mail);