
Legal Analysis of the Company’s obligation to carry out the Environmental and Social Responsibility

As one of the national economy activator, a company holds a very vital role in the development of the State. The effort was realized in organize the public benefit, fostering incomes, provide services, employment, and so on. In addition to these roles, the company also has Environmental and Social Responsibility because the company is very closely related to the parties that support the passage of operations or commonly referred to stakeholders, both internal and external.
The government issued several regulations that govern environmental and social responsibility. Among them are: Article 74 of Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Company, Article 15 of Law No. 25 of 2007 on Investment and Government Regulation No. 47 of 2012 on Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental of Limited Liability Company. In article 1 number 3 of Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Company, Environmental and Social Responsibility or Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL) is defined as: “a Company’s commitment to taking part in sustainable economic development in order to improve the quality of life and environment, which will be beneficial for the Company itself, the local community and society in general”. When studied in depth, there are some legal issues that can be found in the rules, which are: (a) Environmental and Social Responsibility as a legal duty (b) the restrictions of the company which is required to implement the Environmental and Social Responsibility (c) synchronization and harmonization with other legislation.

Photography of my ICP :D

Sunday morning ~ (081212) 
My classmates and I went to Selecta flowerbed, Batu. What were we doing there? Yeah, just took some pictures :D because we had new uniform which color are pink and green "tosca" (what's tosca in English? I never heard before). We went there by 7 motorcycles like parade ! hahaa :D
Before we arrived in Selecta, we had breakfast in Soto Lamongan, a portion per bowl was so much and I couldn't eat it up . -_- 

Picture 01: In Soto Lamongan "restaurant" 


Kelas Inspirasi Malang #HariInspirasi

Inilah hari yang ditunggu para relawan Kelas Inspirasi Malang. Bertepatan dengan 1 hari setelah Hari Pahlawan. Semakin menambah istimewa hari senin kala itu. Aku bersama kelompok 20 berkumpul di sekolah dasar yang berlokasi di daerah comboran, SDN Ciptomulyo 1. Kami tiba disana sekitar pukul 07.00 karena kita akan mengikuti upacara *sudah lama ga pernah ikutan upacara jadi kangen :D
Bertemu dengan anak-anak SD yang ceria dan pastinya kece kece, knpa? soalnya mereka pada pake baju pahlawan gtuuuh. Ga mau kalah, para guru pun ikutan juga pake baju pahlawan :D Upacara berlangsung khidmat sekitar setengah jam lamanya. Pak Joko selaku kepala sekolah menyampaikan amanat kepada para peserta upacara untuk selalu menghargai jasa para pahlawan dan memberikan semangat kepada para siswa untuk selalu berprestasi.